
Customer Testimonials

We are always happy to hear back from satisfied customers. Here are only a few of their testimonials!

  1. Jude Miller, Caxton Street

Big thanks, I had a big carpet that I couldn’t take out myself to wash. These guys came in and got my carpet cleaned in no time.

  1. Layla Stewart, Fortitude Valley

Thanks, I had an event and needed a clean carpet fast. Their dry cleaning services saved the day.

  1. Samuel James, William Young, West End

Awesome services and great value for the money! They even manage to get the trickier stains out, after I was continuously unsuccessful. Will be using their services again when my carpet needs a refresh!

  1. Martin Parker, Spring Hill

Very polite and wonderful, and their carpet cleaning services were top-notch. I didn’t have the space to clean them at home, so they took them to their location and then delivered them clean. Thank you!

  1. Theo Robertson, Brisbane Bayside

I called them for my end-of-lease carpet cleaning, and they did an amazing job! They even cleaned my furniture upholstery, ensuring I get my deposit back. Thank you!

  1. Evelyn Ryan, South Bank

Thank you for the services! My carpets had a strong, nasty smell that wouldn’t go away, no matter how much I vacuumed and shampooed them myself. Their steam cleaning service got the smell out, and the colors also seem much brighter. Will definitely use it again.

  1. Sebastian Mitchell, Milton

Very prompt and efficient, and their prices are also great. Would recommend!

  1. Zach Williams, Paddington

Great prices and highly knowledgeable! They cleaned my carpets, as well as my upholstery. Even the home smells better, now that the carpets are clean!

  1. Sarah Parker, Petrie Terrace

Their cleaning service spared me from having to buy a new carpet. It looks almost like new now! Thank you!

  1. Owen Gray, Ascot & Hamilton

I can only show deep appreciation for these guys. Somehow, a bleak and faded carpet came back to life. The dirt was causing it to look old, and their steam cleaning brought all the colors back.

  1. Frankie Bennett, Central Brisbane

Thumbs up, they really know what they are doing. They came with the gear and cleaned the carpets on the spot, so I didn’t even have to take them out. It saved me a lot of time.

  1. Charlie Hill, Red Hill

We had a pretty big party last night, and sadly, a couple of drinks were spilled. Luckily, these guys took the stains out, and I no longer had to buy a new carpet. There’s no sign of the spills ever happening, and their steam cleaning also brought the carpet colors back to life. Thank you very much!